Tipsy Project

About the app
Tipsy is a tip calculator that is the first app I built on my own, and it’s the first app I put on the app store. I definitely met some challenges when building it, but I was able to push through with some good use of DuckDuckGo and Google, as well as some help from friends that were generous with their time and patience. It was a lot of fun making Tipsy. I gained experience with some of Apple’s cool frameworks and features.
Things I learned:
- How to use App Store Connect
- MessageUI, Contacts, ContactsUI, Social – For sending payment requests
- Utilizing Semantic Colors to support light & dark mode
- Custom quick actions from home screen app icon
- UserDefaults to store user settings
- Better acquainted with Storyboards & Auto-Layout
- Some CoreMotion
Technology Used:
- Swift
- Xcode
- MessageUI, ContactsUI, Contacts, Social
- Storyboards & Auto-Layout
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