Miwifi Project

About the app
MiWiFi is an app that allows a user to add their WiFi info (network name, password) and it will generate a beautiful QR code for them. If someone else needs to connect to their network, all that other person has to do is scan that QR code and they will be prompted to join that network. This is the first app I built doing everything 100% programmatic. Using programmatic Auto-Layout has been very interesting and fun to use. While I started off with the idea of this being a really small app to get familiar with building apps programmatically, I soon started adding more and more features as I’m sure most devs have experienced this.
Things I learned:
- Working with FaceID
- Storing in Keychain
- How to use Auto-Layout programmatically
- Use 3rd party frameworks by way of Swift Package Manager
- Make and use contextMenus
- Using setEditing on views
- Use LinkPresentation framework for creating, presenting, and sharing rich links
- Using UIPasteboard to copy to and from the general pasteboard
- How to access special Navigation Bar views
- Custom PDF drawing
- CoreData Relationships
- Tracking if app is in the background & foreground
Technology Used:
- Swift
- Xcode
- Link Presentation
- FaceID
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